It was a lazy holiday morning after a long week of fence building by the boys and weeding, picking, packing and selling at the farmer's market in Bardstown and Brandenburg. Will and Dave completed fencing in two new paddocks for me this week so that the growing flock can be rotated around to three areas now. We tilled up the rows where the beets and radishes and lettuce had been and turned under the south end of the garden and planted a fall crop of squash, pumpkins, gourds and melons. The tomatoes are ready to burst and the 10 cornstalks are eye level and beautifully shaded at the roots by the zuchini. Next week will be a busy week of picking and selling.
It's time to separate the lambs from their moms for weaning. I think they may be on the way already. The lambs are almost as big as the moms now at almost 4 months old and I'm sure those beautiful horns don't feel so good when those little greedy ram lambs start thumping their mama's udders! Moms is gone in a flash! Here is a picture of Blinkin one of my sleepy twins. He and his brother Nod were both born solid black with little tufts of white on their forehead. They have completely change into this beautiful coloration. I'm not sure of the name of this pattern but it is certainly beautiful. They are the only two who have changed this much. The others range from Darm Brown/Black to Black. But they too may completely change after their shearing next year. Papa Lincoln and Isaac the wether are now grey with black faces. My Moorit (Chocolate Brown) Henna and Aurora are now Fawn color with Brown faces and bellies. These Shetland Sheep are so surprising in h
Meanwhile Will and Dave had an opportunity to go caving with me and Fort Knox Grotto and do some rapelling on a 72ft cliff near here. Those boys are fearless.
They've had a busy week and I am so happy that they were here to share this first season
Well we ended the day at the most amazing and yet relaxing fireworks disply and picnic with friends Lavone and Randall in the fields they share with their families. Just another day, down home in Kentucky.
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