Well, I'm coming out of my blues. My migrainis gone. I tried to do too much last week and it caught up with me. It truly was an amaZing weekend in many ways. Full of highs and lows. It seems that everything happens in October. There is so much here to choose from. I am like a child. I want to do it all. But alas and alack. I cannot bend the laws of physics and I just cannot be in two places at once. One must make choices or try to alternate. I still think that I am superwoman, though. I tried it and it didn't work. This past weekend there were two opportunities that were equally enticing. First there was the opportunity to participate in a small (I thought) wool show in NE Kentucky. The Kentucky Woolfest. Here was the perfect place and time to launch my fledgling fiber business. I had never done one before and Sara Dunham the coordinator made it all seem possible and was so encouraging. Then there was the FarmGirl Autumn Workshop at Miss Wilmas. In Knob Lick. At the same time. In the same weekend. If you know Miss Wilma you know that she is an amazing woman. When she organizes an event she goes all out. She draws you in. She envelops you with her kindness and generosity. You must go. There is no denying that it will be wonderful. There will be wonderful friends and wonderful crafts and an all around wonderful atmosphere. What to do.
But then, the break comes. The offer to share a booth with another fiber artist! She offers to split the time. The show is three grueling days 10-10. I can do BOTH! Happy day! Never mind that it is a three and half hour drive between the two locations. I am superwoman! I can do it. Woolfest, Friday and Sunday (Set up on Thursday) Then Saturday at Miss Wilmas. It's all set, all planned and coordinated. I'm all packed. I've built a great booth setup, I have my stuff all labeled and priced and organized, I've packed huge decorative FERN"S for pity's sake! I leave another bag to take to Wilmas set aside, ready. Wow! The universe is with me. So I thought. I am almost there. But maybe I overdid it. I get the booth all set up and ready so my partner doesn't have to do too much but I did such a great job (really, everyone said so!). She decided that she would be better off setting up by herself in another (newly available)location so she wouldn't mess up my display! But now she can't share the time with me. I am stuck. She is apologetic and all but it really was the best decision for both of us. As far as the wool fest. But now, there is no way that I can drive from Falmouth to Knob Lick and back. It just would not be fair to leave the booth for others to worry about. I put on my BIG GIRL PANTS , made the decision to stay and hope for the best. Hope that I would be forgiven and understood (yes I do worry about that...my wounded inner child...). There was no way to call and tell Wilma that I couldn't get there after all. No internet and no phone number for anyone that would be there. The show went great in many ways. My yarn and felting was well received and sold well. The other artisans were wonderful and I enjoyed their company and learning from them and the whole experience.
So why do I still feel so bad? Because I want it all. And I didn't get it. And I let someone down.
Welcome, come right in!
Blueball Mountain Spindle & Needleworks, the Yarn and Fiber Shop in Historic Downtown Elizabethtown KY, has become the focus of the activities of All One Farms. The Farm, itself is still where the Sheep are raised, Gardens are kept and large dyeing and processing takes place. We continue to live simply, still seek to be self sustaining and remain conscious of our role in the universe. Every day is an adventure and it doesn't always take me where I plan. Come journey with me and share my experiences as I continue evolving my dream. Email me at luna.headhearthands@gmail.com.