Welcome, come right in!

Blueball Mountain Spindle & Needleworks, the Yarn and Fiber Shop in Historic Downtown Elizabethtown KY, has become the focus of the activities of All One Farms. The Farm, itself is still where the Sheep are raised, Gardens are kept and large dyeing and processing takes place. We continue to live simply, still seek to be self sustaining and remain conscious of our role in the universe. Every day is an adventure and it doesn't always take me where I plan. Come journey with me and share my experiences as I continue evolving my dream. Email me at luna.headhearthands@gmail.com.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Shop Opening on January 4: progress continues

Here's what it looked like as I was leaving this evening.  More shop angels came today and got more yarn stocked and added gauzy curtains to the side of the front windows.  Martha came by and warped a knitters loom, and started the weft .... to show what a great little loom it is.  I 'll post those pictures later as they were taken on another camera.  Meanwhile, it is all starting to shape up.  I just love it and hope all who visit will too. 

There is still more work to do on the walls and figuring out the shelf storage but it is definitely developing.  The plan to open on January 4 is still on as it is all moving faster than I thought.  What a gret thing to have so many wonderful friends to chip in and help with it all.  I am truly blessed.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Shop is Ready and The Move has Started!

Today the first truckload of fixtures and yarn left the old shop and moved into their new home on Dixie Avenue.  It was like a huge exhale and I can finally breathe easily again.  With the help of my dear Shop Angels, dozens and dozens of bags and cases of yarn and tools and needles were transported around the corner and await being placed onto shelves and walls. 

The space feels amazingly spacious and open.  The light is wonderful and the two huge windows are such a pleasure. 

The walls and floors are freshly painted

and there is just a little cleaning of the unpainted Terrazzo floors in what will be an enclosed classroom/meeting space.
 Down the right side, past the new cash desk, there is a long section of display space leading to another smaller enclosed room

 that will be a work space for me where I can keep my projects separate from the shop goods.  I really love this!

 Beyond, there is a yet another room which will be an office space for keeping all the files and catalogs and all the paper that accumulates.

A few other big pieces from the barn at the farm will be moved tomorrow and then the restocking and creating the space will begin.  For me, that is the most fun part of all. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Happy Holidays From My Family to Yours

Making a little holiday music

The girls enjoy their new chew toys

David enjoys his new little second cousin, Tommy

 We all enjoyed a  beautiful holiday dinner at my sister's house


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